Compare Galveston Renters Insurance Rates


Average Renters Insurance Rates for Galveston, Texas

Average Annual Insurance Rate

The Cheapest Renters Insurance Rates for Galveston, Texas

Provider Annual Insurance Rate
Twin City Fire Insurance $0
Auto Club $0
Hartford Insurance $0
Nationwide $0
Trumbull Insurance $0
Hartford Insurance $0
Encompass $0
Nationwide $0
Texas Fair Plan $122
Texas Farm Bureau $146

The Most Popular Renters Insurance Providers in Galveston, Texas

Provider Annual Renters Insurance Rate Monthly Renters Insurance Rate
Allstate $308 $308
Liberty Insurance $836 $836
Nationwide $0 $0
State Farm $423 $423

Does credit score affect Galveston renters insurance rates?

Credit Score Average Annual Insurance Rate
bad $363
average $286
good $248
Yes! Your credit rating can impact the price you pay for Galveston Renters Insurance up to $115 per year. Our analysis shows Galveston renter's insurance shoppers with poor credit will pay up to 46% higher rates than shoppers with good credit. Renters insurance shoppers eith poor credit will pay rates that are 31% higher than people with average credit and average credit rate shoppers will pay 15% higher rates than shoppers with good credit.

Does Building Construction affect Galveston renters insurance rates?

Construction Type Average Annual Insurance Rate
frame $3976
Stucco/Hardie $3645
Brick Veneer $3519
Yes the construction style may also impact the price you pay for Galveston renters Insurance up to $457 per year. Galveston renters insurance shoppers with frame style construction pay up to 13% higher rates than homes made with brick while renters with homes constructed with Stucco or Hardieboard will pay 4% higher rates than homes made with Brick Veneer.

Is Renters insurance higher for older homes in Galveston?

Residence Age Average Annual Insurance Rate
1 Year(s) Old $2557
10 Year(s) Old $3519
35 Year(s) Old $3972
Your home age impacts the price you pay for Galveston renters Insurance up to $1415 per year. Galveston renters insurance shoppers with older homes pay 55% higher rates than new homes while renters with homes less than 30 years old will pay 38% higher rates than new construction homes.