Business Insurance For Architects


Protect your business with Architects Business Insurance Coverage. Get the right coverage for your business with our tailored plans. Shop now and get the peace of mind you deserve.

What kind of Work do you do?
architecturural design Business Insurance

What type of insurance do I need for my architecturural design business?

Most architect businesses have a Business Owner's Policy called a BOP. A BOP is a great becasue it combines three general insurance coverages and saves you money.

We recommend these products as a base:

  • Business Owners Policy: A business owner's policy provides you with general liability insurance coverage and also protects your business with third-party protection against bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, business equipment, and more.
  • General Liability Insurance: General liability insurance is a type of business insurance that provides financial protection to a business in the event that it causes harm or is alleged to have caused harm to a person or their property.
  • Professional Liability Insurance: Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, helps protect your business if you are sued for negligence in the performance of services you provide to your customers.
how Much Does architecturural design Business Insurance Cost

How Much Does Architects Insurance Cost?

There is not one price that businesses pay for Architects business insurance. There are many factors that determine your exact cost, such as:
  • The size of your business
  • How many employees work for you
  • If you keep customers information stored in a data system
  • If you have trucks or vehicles or tow equipment
We work with mutiple insurance companies that offer Architects business insurance to protect your business without breaking the bank. We'll work with you to figure out what coverages and companies offer the best coverages and help you get a great business insurance quote.

Your architect business may also need other types of business insurance, like:

  • Commercial Auto Insurance: Commercial auto insurance is liability and physical damage protection for vehicles, such as cars, trucks and vans, that are used for business. Commercial vehicles require a separate policy because they’re typically exposed to more risk than personal vehic
  • Commercial Umbrella Insurance: Commercial umbrella insurance coverage is designed to protect an organization against monumental liability claims that can demolish a business through a large financial judgment.
  • Cyber Insurance: Cybersecurity insurance, known as cyber liability insurance or cyber insurance, is a contractual agreement that allows an organization to mitigate the financial risks involved in conducting online business. By paying a monthly or quarterly fee, the insura
  • Workers Comp Insurance: If your employees experience a workplace injury or illness, workers' compensation coverage safeguards both your business and your employees, providing employee rehabilitation and death benefits as well.
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